A house is made of walls & beams but a home is built with live & dreams.

Ira Bobrova
1 min readOct 25, 2019


Sometimes people ask: “What is the difference between a house and a home?” Some of them don’t differ these concepts. But I’ll explain.

This quote tells us a house is only a building that made of walls and beams. We can live in the house but it doesn’t mean that thе house can be our home.

Therefore, there’s a question. What is a home? I’ll answer. A home is a place where live your nearest and dearest,who support and love you. These people care for you,take care of you and adore.

Frankly speaking, it’s easier to speak about HOME. It has a wide meaning.

As for me, home is a place where my parents are always waiting for me. That can accept me with all my problems, give me a piece of advice.

You know, there’s an opinion that every home has a special smell. My home associate with delicious homemade food by my Mom.

Also, HOME is a place where the whole my family can get together. Nowadays, it’s very difficult to find some time for reunion with our hustle and bustle styles and busy schedules.

Unfortunately, I have to live far away from my family.

Well, I confess now I live in a house, but not at home.

Thank you.

